Join us for a Public Information Workshop on Thursday, April 18, 2024, from 5:00-6:00 p.m., at the Airport Terminal Building located at 2000 Champagne Drive.
See ad below for more details, or click here to download a PDF.

Merrill Municipal Airport Master Plan
The Merrill Municipal Airport (RRL) Airport Master Plan is being undertaken to evaluate the airport's capabilities and role, to forecast future aviation demand, and to plan for the timely development of new or expanded facilities that may be required to fulfill that plan.

About Merrill
Municipal Airport
Merrill Municipal Airport is located on the northwest side of the city of Merrill, Wisconsin, and features two asphalt runways: Runway 7/25 is 5,100 feet long by 75 feet wide, and Runway 16/34 is 2,997 feet long by 75 feet wide.

Why Update
The Master Plan
The City of Merrill has contracted with Coffman Associates, a national airport planning firm, to prepare an update to the airport’s Master Plan. Through coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation - Bureau of Aeronautics, the Master Plan's aim is to properly plan for the timely development of the airport to ensure its continued viability from a functional, social, and environmental perspective.